Watch Spectacular Videos
“The Shape Escape” ANIMATED Video!
“The Shape Caper” ANIMATED Video!
“Wanda the Witch”
“The Mischievous Fairy Island”
A little girl and her trusty dog Bo are on a mission to prove that fairies are real. Together they travel to the Mischievous Fairy Island and discover a whole whimsical world of fairies!" Inspired by Mackworth Island in Falmouth Maine.
“The Feel Better Song”
This song made Digger feel better and I hope it makes you feel better too!
“A Dinosaur in a Toy Store” DANCE!!!
Hey Kids, what's that sound? It sounds like a DINOSAUR IN A TOY STORE!!! Let's do a funky dino dance together!!!
"The Quirky Turkey"
Celebrate your Gobble Gala by singing and dancing the Quirky Turkey!!!
AND… Learn the Quirky Turkey Dance!!!
"The Snowy Shuffle" with Chilly the Snowman
Grab your hat or your earmuffles. Lets all dance the Snowy Shuffle! Move and shake like you are Chilly... Bounce around til you feel SILLY!!!
"Lawrence the Lighthouse"
"The Shape Escape"
All is well in Shape Valley until a big bully Circle escapes and wreaks havoc. Who will save the day?
Let's celebrate our hero the Tiny Triangle from "The Shape Escape" story by doing a fun Triangle DANCE!!!
"Digger's Daily Routine"
Every day for Digger is exactly the same. Until one day something happens, that is so profound, it turns Digger and his whole routine upside-down...
"An Extraordinary Book!"
Ordinary books are for reading and looking at pictures, but this is no ordinary book. This is an EXTRAORDINARY book!
"What Do You See?"
Look all around and what do you see? Lines and patterns connect us to everything!
"Kindergarten Q&A"
Some curious kindergarteners have a few questions for Angela Ferrari.